Saturday, November 27, 2010

NaBloPoMo Day 27: Summer vegetables

With all the gorgeous weather we have been having, the garden is flourishing. I grow all my own vegetables as you can't beat going and picking a fresh lettuces, aromatic herbs, sweet tomatoes and tender cucumbers to throw together to make a quick salad.

Unfortunately, we are in dire need of rain. Being on a lifestyle block is awesome, but it means we rely on our own water supply which consists of a large water tank and nature being generous with its rainfall! Last year, I forgot I had the sprinkler on the garden and it drained our tank dry overnight. Yikes!!! Had a  fab growth spurt in the garden though !

My zucchini plant goes into overload every year. I have become very inventive in the use of zucchini...Zucchini Chocolate cake (moist and so so delicious). stir fries,  zucchini and feta fritters with freshly made salsa, grated and added to meat dishes, zucchini and potato soup that I freeze for the winter months ahead.  And if they suddenly turn into marrows overnight, then the chooks love pecking at them.

Mmmm,'s a race to get to them before the birds do. They only have to have a hint of pink and them and that pesky starling can spot it from a mile away! Lots of flowers on the plants and a few green berries...a few more days and I will be eating fresh strawberries and home made ice cream.

Lemon thyme and marigolds favourite vegetable. So good for you too with its high level of vitamins and antioxidant properties.  It's been regarded as a superfood as it has so many health benefits.  

A new type of telegraph cucumber I am trying this year. I swear it doubles in size every day!!

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