Haven't stitched in months. No desire to at this stage either but no doubt once the cooler months get here I will pick it up again.

Remember my potager that Tony built...well here it is a few months later. Nicholas and Sarah are very proud of their sunflowers and corn. We ate the last of the corn last night. I have now pulled out the dying plants and will replant with dwarf beans, mesclun and lettuces. The kids are right into gardening and they get such a buzz out of growing their own food.
Tony and I have finally set a date and we are getting married in October. We would have liked to do it earlier but I am doing a post grad certificate through university and that finishes then. Didn't want the stress of organising a wedding while I should have my head in my books. So we have decided to go to Rarotonga and have a romantic Pacific Island wedding at http://www.royaletakitumu.com/index.htm It seems ages away but no doubt the time will fly by.